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"Employees were unloading parcels". The aftermath of the Russian air strike on Nova Poshta in Kharkiv, as photographed by Yakiv Lyashenko and Olha Kovaleva

Photo by Olga Kovaleva

On June 30, around 16:30, Russian troops once again conducted an air strike on Kharkiv. The UAV flew about 80 kilometers and landed a few meters from the Nova Poshta building in the Sloboda district of the city.

"Employees were unloading parcels at the time of arrival. This is not only terror against civilians, the enemy continues to terrorize business, because this is not the first hit to the Nova Poshta terminal," said Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration. According to him, the attack destroyed the terminal of Nova Poshta.

Photo by Yakiv Lyashenko

One person was killed in an enemy air strike. The police reported that the deceased man was about 40 years old: "The body is very torn, so we will use the laboratory to identify DNA... A family with a baby was near the site of the hit: as a result of the blast wave, the child fell to the sidewalk and was injured."

Photo by Yakiv Lyashenko

Photo by Olga Kovaleva

In the late afternoon, the number of victims increased to nine, including an eight-month-old boy. Rescuers managed to localize the fire.

Photo by Olga Kovaleva

Photo by Yakiv Lyashenko

The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office noted that eight vehicles were destroyed and five others damaged as a result of the enemy attack. Prosecutors and police investigators are recording war crimes at the site of the attack. Criminal proceedings have been initiated under Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder).

Photo by Yakiv Lyashenko

Photo by Olga Kovaleva

Russia is using guided aerial bombs in eastern and southern Ukraine on a daily basis. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that this week alone, the enemy has used more than 800 UAVs against Ukraine. "Against our cities and communities, against our people, against everything that ensures normal life," the head of state wrote.

Photo by Olga Kovaleva

As a reminder, on June 28, Russians attacked a residential building in Dnipro. A multi-storey building was damaged, one person was killed, and several people were injured, including a baby. The aftermath of the missile strike on Dnipro in the photo by Mykola Sinelnikov.

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