
PhotoVogue Grants for Photographers


Фотографи зможуть представити свої роботи на фестивалі PhotoVogue 2024 у Мілані та, можливо, у випуску Vogue. Двоє художників, які подадуть найпереконливіші роботи, також отримають грант у розмірі 5000 доларів кожен.

Для участі в конкурсі слід надіслати фотоісторію — від 5 до 15 зображень (макс. 1 проєкт).

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We tell the world about Ukraine through the prism of photography.

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UAPP is an independent association of professional Ukrainian photographers, designed to protect their interests, support, develop and promote Ukrainian photography as an important element of national culture.

UAPP's activities span educational, social, research and cultural initiatives, as well as book publishing.

UAPP represents Ukrainian professional photography in the international photographic community and is an official member of the Federation of European Photographers (FEP) — an international organization representing more than 50,000 professional photographers in Europe and other countries around the world.

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