Photo Stories

Alone. Kateryna Moskaliuk's project about the wives of fallen soldiers

min read

The photo project “Alone” is the stories of women from all over Ukraine, whose husbands died during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Odessa, Lviv, Kiev, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Starokostyantyniv or small towns and villages — the pain has no definite location. Photographer Ekaterina Moskalyuk took portraits of the wives of dead servicemen, things that they keep in memory of their husbands, and also photographed friends and close women who help them search for new meanings in life. A person experiencing the pain of loss should not be left alone.

Unfulfilled dreams

Thousands of Ukrainian servicemen died during the Russian-Ukrainian war, and their loved ones were left with unfulfilled dreams of a common future. Women who have lost their husbands forever live in large cities and remote villages, they are of different ages, professions, life views, but united by a common grief.

“One of the stages of the funeral service is gratitude to the relatives of the deceased for his devotion to the country and service and transfer of the flag. And these people — parents, wives or children — stand with a blue and yellow flag and press it firmly against themselves. At this point, they seem very lonely to me. It is as if they ask society — that's all, there is a flag, but there is no person, and how to live with all this further,” recalls photographer Kateryna Moskalyuk beginning work on the project.

Most women who have lost husbands in war reject the word “widow.” They are afraid that with this concept they will cross out the memories of their loved ones, betray the memory of them. They ask to name them as the wives of the dead servicemen. Today, many responsibilities fall on their shoulders, which they previously shared with partners. Many had to leave their homes, located near the front line, and start all over again. Alone.

For wives who have lost husbands, it is important to keep the memory of their loved ones, tell about their preferences, dreams, and remember happy moments together. “I will probably cry, but I really want to be heard, to know about my Volodya,” says Ivanna. “Over time, the pain does not decrease, I just learned to live with it,” explains Elena. “What I miss most is his embrace, his warmth,” says Katya. Each couple's story is unique, but grief is the same for everyone.

“All the wives of dead soldiers in different contexts echoed the same idea: their husbands chose not their own lives with their families, but our lives with you. They went to defend the country, and above all its people. At the cost of their lives, we have the opportunity to live,” says photographer Kateryna Moskalyuk.

Natalia, city Lisichansk

“With my husband, I always felt like a queen. I walked in dresses and shoes with heels, Dmitry always took me to work and always took me home. He often gave me flowers. Even when he was at the front, he ordered bouquets and stuffed toys for me. Here this pink bear came to me along with the roses, now sitting next to me on the bed. I really miss my husband's hugs, his warmth,” Natalia recalls.

Natalia received gifts from her husband, even when he was at the front. Dmitry ordered flowers and plush toys for her. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“Dmitry was born in Luhansk, graduated from our Luhansk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators. In the late 90s, he served in Georgia. When Ukraine became an independent state, he returned to Luhansk and took an oath of allegiance to Ukraine. We met in Luhansk — for both of us it was already the second marriage in which we finally found our happiness.

In 2014, we left Luhansk and moved to the city of Lisichansk. Russia has stolen my house twice, and now it has taken my husband. Dmitry wrote to me every day and, if possible, called. We were constantly in touch. On August 9, I did not receive the traditional morning message,” says Natalia. Dmitry Kosenko died on August 9, 2022 from injuries received in his native Luhansk region.

In memory of her husband, Natalia keeps his military uniform, tokens, a cross, and Dmitry's wallet is constantly lying on the shelf. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila, Kyiv

“Andriy was in the ATO, had combat experience. He was a very caring husband and loving father to his little daughter. His help and support could be counted on at any time. I asked him to write the phrase “Always together” for me. After his death, she made herself such a tattoo. I miss him very much...”, says Lyudmila. Her husband Andrey Vovk died on August 15, 2023 in the area of the village of Terni in the Donetsk region. While performing a combat mission, he was fatally wounded as a result of enemy artillery fire.

Lyudmila stands on the bridge of the Kiev park “Natalka”, where they often walked with her husband Andrei. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila in Kyiv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila's husband died near the village of Terni in Donetsk region. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila asked her husband to write the phrase “Always together.” After her death, Andrey made herself such a tattoo. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Ivanna, selo Sokilnyky, Lviv region

“At home, there are photos of my husband Vladimir on the shelf. We put candles next to the photos — when we light them, it's as if we feel his breath nearby. When Volodya died, our daughter Victoria was only two months old. He managed to see her when he took us from the maternity ward,” says Ivanna.

Ivanna's husband died when their daughter Victoria was only two months old. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“Volodya and I met five years ago. He, along with a comrade who had already died in the war, rented our room. We have a big difference in age with him - 16 years. However, I never felt older than him, he was a reliable support and support for me and my older daughters from a previous marriage. Volodya loved to give me expensive jewelry, wrote me poems. I printed out our correspondence — there are so many warm and touching words.

I owe the incredible almost five best years of our life together to him. Vladimir is the best, unique, loving...”, says Ivanna. Her husband Vladimir Lemeshchuk died on April 20, 2022 near Popasna in Luhansk region. The officer managed to evacuate wounded subordinates from the battlefield, but he himself was mortally wounded. He was 23 years old.

Vladimir often gave Ivanna jewelry. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Volodya was a reliable support and support for Ivanna and her older daughters from a previous marriage. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Eva, Lviv

“I remember how at the beginning of our relationship we went with Dmitry to the park “High Castle”. It was the end of March, and wet snow began to fall. We sat, drank wine and ate cheese. Dmitry was such a choleric man, everything was so fast — he walked quickly, spoke quickly. He walked in front of me and told me how we were going to live,” says Eva.

Eva in her home in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“I have everything clogged with his things - I could not throw anything away. The watch he bought, a cap, his niece has his arafatka, which she has not yet had time to pick up. We still have our fingerprints made in the dough — Dmitry, mine and son and daughter.

The kids are good, they are holding on. As if everything is fine, and then at one point they become very sad. The other day, Borya cried for a very long time, asked why our father died. I don't have an answer,” says Eva. Her husband Dmitry Fialka died on September 1, 2022 in battle for the city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region.

Eva got a tattoo with the dates of her husband's life and death. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Eva is raising two children herself — a son and a daughter. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Katerina, Lviv

“I met Andriy when we were both 20 years old. We lived together for 21 years. We have a daughter, Margarita. We could still live a long and happy life together. However, a full-scale war began. My husband came to protect us,” says Ekaterina.

Katya embraces the form of her husband. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“She always told her husband that he was a builder and should rebuild the country after the victory. I was very proud of him and worried about him at the same time. He died in the summer, a few days before our daughter's first communion.

I miss my husband very much. I often visit him in the cemetery. When I want to feel his warmth, I wrap myself in his military uniform. When I'm very lonely, I buy flowers — as if it were a gift from him,” says Katya. Her husband Andrei Petrov died on July 12, 2022 near Avdiyivka.

Katya at home in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Katya in the form of a man. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Oksana, Zhovkva city, Lviv region

“At home, we constantly discussed the issue of full-scale war. When February 24 came, I immediately realized that my husband would go to fight. In 2014—15 Viktor volunteered for ATO. He never gave up on tasks. He could never get past injustice and knew why and where he was going. Victor was extremely positive and optimistic. He said what he believed in,” says Oksana.

Oksana looks at family photos at home in Zhovkva. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“The pain is no longer acute, but chronic. The pain has become constant and habitual, from which there is nowhere to go. I can't get used to the fact that there is no husband, that his chair is empty,” says Oksana. Her husband Victor Dudar died on March 2, 2022, while performing a combat mission in the Nikolaev area.

Oksana's husband died in March 2022. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Oksana can not get used to the fact that there is no husband and one chair in the kitchen is empty. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Things of Oksana's husband. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Kristina, city of Lviv

“My husband Roman often touched my face gently. Now only the flag on his grave embraces me. I don't know how he could leave me. Roman was injured on January 7, 2023. He fought for so long for life, he so wanted to see his sons grown up. I was next to him in the hospital, until the last I believed in the best,” says Christina.

Christina herself raises two sons. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Christina with her children in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“I met Roman in 2014. I was a waitress, he was a bartender. He invited me for coffee, but I didn't agree. In 2014, Roman received a summons and went to fight. We talked a lot on the phone when he was on duty. In 2015, Roman demobilized. He miraculously survived that war. In 2017, we got married. We have two sons, Danyla and Maxim. I have a hard time without Roman. But I feel that he is always there,” says Christina. Her husband Roman Tsygansky died on February 18, 2023 in a Kiev hospital as a result of numerous injuries he received on January 7 in the battle for the city of Kreminna in the Luhansk region.

Christina in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Alexandra, the city of Starokostiantyniv, Khmelnytsky region

“Nikolai was very erudite, had a thirst for new knowledge, wanted to know everything in his profession. He took air force management courses in the United States, was a military observer from the UN mission in Sudan, often went on foreign business trips. However, he never talked about working from home. We went for a walk with the children, always rested together. Nicholas devoted all his free time to us. After Collie's death, my mother-in-law asked me if I would have married him if she had known how short our life together would be. Yes, without a doubt, yes. I would say every moment how much I love him!” — says Alexandra.

Alexandra with her daughter in Starokonstantinov. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“You have no idea what kind of father he was. Nicholas very early was left without a father, who was also a navigator and died in Africa, leaving three children orphaned! Some kind of fate for two, right?” - says Oleksandra. She now raises three children herself. Her husband Mykola Savchuk died on February 24, 2022, while performing a combat mission. He bombed a column of Russian troops that were attacking Kiev.

Alexandra visits her husband's grave in Starokonstantinov. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Alexandra near the portrait of her husband. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Alexandra's husband died on February 24, 2022 — his plane was shot down by the Russian military. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Olena, Lviv

“We lived together for 24 years. We have adult children. I can't even imagine the pain of those women who were left with small children...”, says Elena.

Elena in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“I took part in an art workshop for the wives of Heroes and drew us together. She depicted our embrace against the background of the starry sky. It seems to me that my husband is somewhere nearby. He is somewhere around me, in the universe,” says Elena. Her husband Andrei Boncun died in Soledar on January 9, 2023.

OLena came to a master class on art therapy in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Elena says that now there will always be one empty chair in the house. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Maria, Bubnyshche village, Ivano-Frankivsk region

“Why didn't Dad bring me a big doll? Dad promised...”, - my youngest daughter Sofia asked me and did not understand the answer. The girl is only two years old, and at this age it is difficult to understand the inevitability of death. Sofia knows where the mushroom is, runs and shows that it is her dad. She says, “Here my dad is completely dead.” Children should not grow up without a father...”, says Maria.

Maria with her youngest daughter Sophia. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“Vladimir said that he would probably not return, asked to take care of the children. We have nine of them — seven sons and two daughters. He said that because of the constant shelling, he did not even have time to eat. He was a special agent and went first into hell itself. He seemed to foresee his death, wanted to say goodbye to everyone, called us. He also called his eldest sons, Andriy and Vladimir, who were not at home,” Maria recalls. Her husband Vladimir Kondrat died on July 27, 2023 near the village of Yampil in the Donetsk region.

Maria keeps her husband's chevrons near the icon on the wall. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Now Maria is raising nine children herself. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Kateryna Moskaliuk— documentary photographer and journalist. She graduated from the School of Journalism of the Ukrainian Catholic University. The materials were published in Geo, Bloomberg Businessweek, Die Zeit, Bird in Flight, “Zabona”, The Ukrainians, Forbes Ukraine, etc., as well as presented at international exhibitions in Ukraine, Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Armenia, Japan, Hong Kong.

Photographer's social networks: Facebook Instagram

The project is implemented thanks to support of The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

The photo project “Alone” is the stories of women from all over Ukraine, whose husbands died during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Odessa, Lviv, Kiev, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Starokostyantyniv or small towns and villages — the pain has no definite location. Photographer Ekaterina Moskalyuk took portraits of the wives of dead servicemen, things that they keep in memory of their husbands, and also photographed friends and close women who help them search for new meanings in life. A person experiencing the pain of loss should not be left alone.

Unfulfilled dreams

Thousands of Ukrainian servicemen died during the Russian-Ukrainian war, and their loved ones were left with unfulfilled dreams of a common future. Women who have lost their husbands forever live in large cities and remote villages, they are of different ages, professions, life views, but united by a common grief.

“One of the stages of the funeral service is gratitude to the relatives of the deceased for his devotion to the country and service and transfer of the flag. And these people — parents, wives or children — stand with a blue and yellow flag and press it firmly against themselves. At this point, they seem very lonely to me. It is as if they ask society — that's all, there is a flag, but there is no person, and how to live with all this further,” recalls photographer Kateryna Moskalyuk beginning work on the project.

Most women who have lost husbands in war reject the word “widow.” They are afraid that with this concept they will cross out the memories of their loved ones, betray the memory of them. They ask to name them as the wives of the dead servicemen. Today, many responsibilities fall on their shoulders, which they previously shared with partners. Many had to leave their homes, located near the front line, and start all over again. Alone.

For wives who have lost husbands, it is important to keep the memory of their loved ones, tell about their preferences, dreams, and remember happy moments together. “I will probably cry, but I really want to be heard, to know about my Volodya,” says Ivanna. “Over time, the pain does not decrease, I just learned to live with it,” explains Elena. “What I miss most is his embrace, his warmth,” says Katya. Each couple's story is unique, but grief is the same for everyone.

“All the wives of dead soldiers in different contexts echoed the same idea: their husbands chose not their own lives with their families, but our lives with you. They went to defend the country, and above all its people. At the cost of their lives, we have the opportunity to live,” says photographer Kateryna Moskalyuk.

Natalia, city Lisichansk

“With my husband, I always felt like a queen. I walked in dresses and shoes with heels, Dmitry always took me to work and always took me home. He often gave me flowers. Even when he was at the front, he ordered bouquets and stuffed toys for me. Here this pink bear came to me along with the roses, now sitting next to me on the bed. I really miss my husband's hugs, his warmth,” Natalia recalls.

Natalia received gifts from her husband, even when he was at the front. Dmitry ordered flowers and plush toys for her. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“Dmitry was born in Luhansk, graduated from our Luhansk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators. In the late 90s, he served in Georgia. When Ukraine became an independent state, he returned to Luhansk and took an oath of allegiance to Ukraine. We met in Luhansk — for both of us it was already the second marriage in which we finally found our happiness.

In 2014, we left Luhansk and moved to the city of Lisichansk. Russia has stolen my house twice, and now it has taken my husband. Dmitry wrote to me every day and, if possible, called. We were constantly in touch. On August 9, I did not receive the traditional morning message,” says Natalia. Dmitry Kosenko died on August 9, 2022 from injuries received in his native Luhansk region.

In memory of her husband, Natalia keeps his military uniform, tokens, a cross, and Dmitry's wallet is constantly lying on the shelf. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila, Kyiv

“Andriy was in the ATO, had combat experience. He was a very caring husband and loving father to his little daughter. His help and support could be counted on at any time. I asked him to write the phrase “Always together” for me. After his death, she made herself such a tattoo. I miss him very much...”, says Lyudmila. Her husband Andrey Vovk died on August 15, 2023 in the area of the village of Terni in the Donetsk region. While performing a combat mission, he was fatally wounded as a result of enemy artillery fire.

Lyudmila stands on the bridge of the Kiev park “Natalka”, where they often walked with her husband Andrei. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila in Kyiv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila's husband died near the village of Terni in Donetsk region. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Lyudmila asked her husband to write the phrase “Always together.” After her death, Andrey made herself such a tattoo. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Ivanna, selo Sokilnyky, Lviv region

“At home, there are photos of my husband Vladimir on the shelf. We put candles next to the photos — when we light them, it's as if we feel his breath nearby. When Volodya died, our daughter Victoria was only two months old. He managed to see her when he took us from the maternity ward,” says Ivanna.

Ivanna's husband died when their daughter Victoria was only two months old. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“Volodya and I met five years ago. He, along with a comrade who had already died in the war, rented our room. We have a big difference in age with him - 16 years. However, I never felt older than him, he was a reliable support and support for me and my older daughters from a previous marriage. Volodya loved to give me expensive jewelry, wrote me poems. I printed out our correspondence — there are so many warm and touching words.

I owe the incredible almost five best years of our life together to him. Vladimir is the best, unique, loving...”, says Ivanna. Her husband Vladimir Lemeshchuk died on April 20, 2022 near Popasna in Luhansk region. The officer managed to evacuate wounded subordinates from the battlefield, but he himself was mortally wounded. He was 23 years old.

Vladimir often gave Ivanna jewelry. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Volodya was a reliable support and support for Ivanna and her older daughters from a previous marriage. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Eva, Lviv

“I remember how at the beginning of our relationship we went with Dmitry to the park “High Castle”. It was the end of March, and wet snow began to fall. We sat, drank wine and ate cheese. Dmitry was such a choleric man, everything was so fast — he walked quickly, spoke quickly. He walked in front of me and told me how we were going to live,” says Eva.

Eva in her home in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“I have everything clogged with his things - I could not throw anything away. The watch he bought, a cap, his niece has his arafatka, which she has not yet had time to pick up. We still have our fingerprints made in the dough — Dmitry, mine and son and daughter.

The kids are good, they are holding on. As if everything is fine, and then at one point they become very sad. The other day, Borya cried for a very long time, asked why our father died. I don't have an answer,” says Eva. Her husband Dmitry Fialka died on September 1, 2022 in battle for the city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region.

Eva got a tattoo with the dates of her husband's life and death. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Eva is raising two children herself — a son and a daughter. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Katerina, Lviv

“I met Andriy when we were both 20 years old. We lived together for 21 years. We have a daughter, Margarita. We could still live a long and happy life together. However, a full-scale war began. My husband came to protect us,” says Ekaterina.

Katya embraces the form of her husband. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“She always told her husband that he was a builder and should rebuild the country after the victory. I was very proud of him and worried about him at the same time. He died in the summer, a few days before our daughter's first communion.

I miss my husband very much. I often visit him in the cemetery. When I want to feel his warmth, I wrap myself in his military uniform. When I'm very lonely, I buy flowers — as if it were a gift from him,” says Katya. Her husband Andrei Petrov died on July 12, 2022 near Avdiyivka.

Katya at home in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Katya in the form of a man. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Oksana, Zhovkva city, Lviv region

“At home, we constantly discussed the issue of full-scale war. When February 24 came, I immediately realized that my husband would go to fight. In 2014—15 Viktor volunteered for ATO. He never gave up on tasks. He could never get past injustice and knew why and where he was going. Victor was extremely positive and optimistic. He said what he believed in,” says Oksana.

Oksana looks at family photos at home in Zhovkva. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“The pain is no longer acute, but chronic. The pain has become constant and habitual, from which there is nowhere to go. I can't get used to the fact that there is no husband, that his chair is empty,” says Oksana. Her husband Victor Dudar died on March 2, 2022, while performing a combat mission in the Nikolaev area.

Oksana's husband died in March 2022. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Oksana can not get used to the fact that there is no husband and one chair in the kitchen is empty. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Things of Oksana's husband. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Kristina, city of Lviv

“My husband Roman often touched my face gently. Now only the flag on his grave embraces me. I don't know how he could leave me. Roman was injured on January 7, 2023. He fought for so long for life, he so wanted to see his sons grown up. I was next to him in the hospital, until the last I believed in the best,” says Christina.

Christina herself raises two sons. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Christina with her children in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“I met Roman in 2014. I was a waitress, he was a bartender. He invited me for coffee, but I didn't agree. In 2014, Roman received a summons and went to fight. We talked a lot on the phone when he was on duty. In 2015, Roman demobilized. He miraculously survived that war. In 2017, we got married. We have two sons, Danyla and Maxim. I have a hard time without Roman. But I feel that he is always there,” says Christina. Her husband Roman Tsygansky died on February 18, 2023 in a Kiev hospital as a result of numerous injuries he received on January 7 in the battle for the city of Kreminna in the Luhansk region.

Christina in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Alexandra, the city of Starokostiantyniv, Khmelnytsky region

“Nikolai was very erudite, had a thirst for new knowledge, wanted to know everything in his profession. He took air force management courses in the United States, was a military observer from the UN mission in Sudan, often went on foreign business trips. However, he never talked about working from home. We went for a walk with the children, always rested together. Nicholas devoted all his free time to us. After Collie's death, my mother-in-law asked me if I would have married him if she had known how short our life together would be. Yes, without a doubt, yes. I would say every moment how much I love him!” — says Alexandra.

Alexandra with her daughter in Starokonstantinov. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“You have no idea what kind of father he was. Nicholas very early was left without a father, who was also a navigator and died in Africa, leaving three children orphaned! Some kind of fate for two, right?” - says Oleksandra. She now raises three children herself. Her husband Mykola Savchuk died on February 24, 2022, while performing a combat mission. He bombed a column of Russian troops that were attacking Kiev.

Alexandra visits her husband's grave in Starokonstantinov. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Alexandra near the portrait of her husband. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Alexandra's husband died on February 24, 2022 — his plane was shot down by the Russian military. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Olena, Lviv

“We lived together for 24 years. We have adult children. I can't even imagine the pain of those women who were left with small children...”, says Elena.

Elena in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“I took part in an art workshop for the wives of Heroes and drew us together. She depicted our embrace against the background of the starry sky. It seems to me that my husband is somewhere nearby. He is somewhere around me, in the universe,” says Elena. Her husband Andrei Boncun died in Soledar on January 9, 2023.

OLena came to a master class on art therapy in Lviv. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Elena says that now there will always be one empty chair in the house. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Maria, Bubnyshche village, Ivano-Frankivsk region

“Why didn't Dad bring me a big doll? Dad promised...”, - my youngest daughter Sofia asked me and did not understand the answer. The girl is only two years old, and at this age it is difficult to understand the inevitability of death. Sofia knows where the mushroom is, runs and shows that it is her dad. She says, “Here my dad is completely dead.” Children should not grow up without a father...”, says Maria.

Maria with her youngest daughter Sophia. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

“Vladimir said that he would probably not return, asked to take care of the children. We have nine of them — seven sons and two daughters. He said that because of the constant shelling, he did not even have time to eat. He was a special agent and went first into hell itself. He seemed to foresee his death, wanted to say goodbye to everyone, called us. He also called his eldest sons, Andriy and Vladimir, who were not at home,” Maria recalls. Her husband Vladimir Kondrat died on July 27, 2023 near the village of Yampil in the Donetsk region.

Maria keeps her husband's chevrons near the icon on the wall. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Now Maria is raising nine children herself. Photo by Kateryna Moskaliuk

Kateryna Moskaliuk— documentary photographer and journalist. She graduated from the School of Journalism of the Ukrainian Catholic University. The materials were published in Geo, Bloomberg Businessweek, Die Zeit, Bird in Flight, “Zabona”, The Ukrainians, Forbes Ukraine, etc., as well as presented at international exhibitions in Ukraine, Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Armenia, Japan, Hong Kong.

Photographer's social networks: Facebook Instagram

The project is implemented thanks to support of The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

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