UAPP Projects

Exhibition "The price of freedom"

June 11, 2022
min read

The Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP), in collaboration with the Society of Ukrainians in Finland, the media project Ukraїner, and individual photographers, have realized the exhibition "The Price of Freedom", which opened on June 11, 2022, at the Central Railway Station in Helsinki.

Ukrainians pay a high price for the freedom of their country. Both defenders on the frontlines and civilians in their cities and villages are forced to endure the horrors of war. Ukrainians lose their homes and their loved ones. The war brings anxiety, devastation, separation, and suffering to almost every family. For many, peaceful life remains only in memories.

This exhibition is about the human cost of Russian aggression in Ukraine. The photos tell stories of the grief and loss of Ukrainians, as well as mutual assistance and collective resistance. The display also includes images of Ukraine before the invasion, to remind us of how easily war can disrupt peaceful life, even in a European country in 2022.

The exhibition features photographs by Yurko Dyachyshyn, Vyacheslav Ratynsky, Alina Smutko, Serhiy Mykhailchuk, Serhiy Korovayny, Pavlo Petrov, and Mstyslav Chernov.

The Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP), in collaboration with the Society of Ukrainians in Finland, the media project Ukraїner, and individual photographers, have realized the exhibition "The Price of Freedom", which opened on June 11, 2022, at the Central Railway Station in Helsinki.

Ukrainians pay a high price for the freedom of their country. Both defenders on the frontlines and civilians in their cities and villages are forced to endure the horrors of war. Ukrainians lose their homes and their loved ones. The war brings anxiety, devastation, separation, and suffering to almost every family. For many, peaceful life remains only in memories.

This exhibition is about the human cost of Russian aggression in Ukraine. The photos tell stories of the grief and loss of Ukrainians, as well as mutual assistance and collective resistance. The display also includes images of Ukraine before the invasion, to remind us of how easily war can disrupt peaceful life, even in a European country in 2022.

The exhibition features photographs by Yurko Dyachyshyn, Vyacheslav Ratynsky, Alina Smutko, Serhiy Mykhailchuk, Serhiy Korovayny, Pavlo Petrov, and Mstyslav Chernov.

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UAPP is an independent association of professional Ukrainian photographers, designed to protect their interests, support, develop and promote Ukrainian photography as an important element of national culture.

UAPP's activities span educational, social, research and cultural initiatives, as well as book publishing.

UAPP represents Ukrainian professional photography in the international photographic community and is an official member of the Federation of European Photographers (FEP) — an international organization representing more than 50,000 professional photographers in Europe and other countries around the world.

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