What did the international press publish in January? A selection of photos of Ukrainian documentary filmmakers from the world media
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Results of January 2025: world media publish the works of photographers of the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers. UAPF is proud to recognize Ukrainian documentary photographers who document key events in Ukraine and continue to draw the world's attention to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
NPR, the largest non-profit radio network in the United States, published Anton Shtuka's photos in its article about Ukrainian drone operators.

NPR also featured Oksana Parafeniuk's photos in a story about the training of a women's air defense unit in Bucha.

The independent Danish newspaper Information illustrated its article with photos of Heorhiy Ivanchenko.

The British newspaper The Guardian published photos of Nicoletta Stoyanova.

The Wall Street Journal, one of the most influential American newspapers, published photos of Serhiy Korovainy.

Germany's largest daily newspaper, the Süddeutschen Zeitung, published photos of Oleksandr Magula.

The largest Swedish morning daily Dagens Nuheter published Karina Pilyugina's photos in its article.

The Norwegian daily Aftenposten published pictures of Yevhen Vasiliev.

The large-circulation German-language daily Der Tagesspiegel published photographs of Mykhailo Palinchak.

The Canadian daily English-language newspaper The Globe and Mail supplemented its article with photos of Olga Ivashchenko.

The photos presented in this material are only a part of the publications of Ukrainian documentary filmmakers in international media. We urge photographers to share their foreign publications on social media and mention the UAPF so that none of their achievements will be overlooked in future reviews.
We worked on the material:
Researcher of the topic, author of the text: Vira Labych
Editor-in-chief: Olga Kovaleva
Literary editor: Yulia Futey
Website manager: Vladyslav Kukhar