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“We decided to continue the operation, despite the air alert.” How Ukrainian Documentaries Help Refute Russia's “Bloody Fakes”

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Russia does not abandon its attempts to disclaim responsibility for the rocket attack on the children's hospital “Okhmatdyt”. This time, Russian propaganda spreads fakes about a doctor in a bloody white robe, photos of which were widely circulated by the world media.

The Russian news aggregator “Rambler” under the headline “Exposure of the bloody drama after the fall of a rocket in Kyiv appeared on the network” tells about new facts that allegedly indicate a “theatrical production” in “Okhmatdyt”.

Referring to unnamed Ukrainian telegram channels, the author of the fake material talks about a video in which “a Ukrainian policeman pours an actor-surgeon with artificial blood from a bag.” Experts of the Center for Countering Disinformation recently denied this video, verifying the information in the National Police of Ukraine.

Rambler cites other fake evidence, such as “unnatural blood color” that “social media users noticed” on the day of the attack on the hospital.

The publication “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in its material adds:

“New doubts about the plausibility of what is happening only intensified after it became clear that the man playing was not a surgeon at all, but a dentist. Of course, when teeth are torn, there is also blood, but after all, he pulled out the tusks of the elephant, even turning his back.”

The propaganda channel “Other Ukraine” compares the attack on the hospital with the events in Bucha:

“The same one-on-one scenario was in Bucha. Now the angry truthful public will be calmed with a new blow to another hospital or school so as not to relax. A vicious circle that cannot be broken.”

On that day, hundreds of ordinary people were clearing rubble at the site of the rocket attack, along with medics, rescuers and municipal workers. After that, a photo of a doctor in a bloodstained robe, who disassembled the rubble along with others, was circulated on the network.

Many documentarians gathered at the scene to record the consequences of the Russian missile attack on the children's hospital “Okhmatdyt”. Sergey Melnichenko, Pavel Florescu and Yulia Kochetova were among those who took pictures of the doctor in a bloodstained robe.

“Kyiv has had its heart ripped out today. Almost simultaneously, the Russians shelled several districts and purposefully hit the children's hospital “Okhmatdyt”.

Today, Kiev is united. Thousands of people are sorting through rubble — civilians and military, firefighters, veterans on prostheses, grandmothers, medical personnel. Dust, broken glass, drippers left in the corridors”, - a quote from Yulia's Instagram.

Scary footage from the capital. Photo by Serhiy Melnichenko for “Nikvest”

Massive missile attack 8.07.2024. Kiev. Ukraine. Photo by Pavlo Florescu

The person in the photo is Oleg Golubchenko. As noted on the website of the hospital “Okhmatdyt”, on the basis of the department of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery there is a maxillofacial surgical service of the Okhmatdyt National Hospital, one of whose doctors is Oleg Golubchenko.

On his page in Instagramyou can see the results of maxillofacial operations of small patients of “Okhmatdyt” and read the grateful reviews of parents.

The news agency “Assisted Press” was one of those Western media that promptly covered the missile strike on a children's hospital in Kyiv.

“Pediatric surgeon Oleg Golubchenko told the Associated Press that he was operating on a child with congenital facial defects, and that he and his team decided to continue the operation, despite the air alarm. “We couldn't stop halfway,” he said.

The shock wave from the missile strike bounced him across the operating room. The shrapnel left him lightly injured and damaged the infant's ventilator. The child with an open wound had to be transported to another hospital in Kiev, where the operation was completed.

Journalists of “Ukrainska Pravda” found out that Oleg Golubchenko received a contusion and injury during the missile attack. His medical gown was covered in blood with shrapnel lodged in his back.

The material was created with the support of The Fritt Ord Foundation.

Russia does not abandon its attempts to disclaim responsibility for the rocket attack on the children's hospital “Okhmatdyt”. This time, Russian propaganda spreads fakes about a doctor in a bloody white robe, photos of which were widely circulated by the world media.

The Russian news aggregator “Rambler” under the headline “Exposure of the bloody drama after the fall of a rocket in Kyiv appeared on the network” tells about new facts that allegedly indicate a “theatrical production” in “Okhmatdyt”.

Referring to unnamed Ukrainian telegram channels, the author of the fake material talks about a video in which “a Ukrainian policeman pours an actor-surgeon with artificial blood from a bag.” Experts of the Center for Countering Disinformation recently denied this video, verifying the information in the National Police of Ukraine.

Rambler cites other fake evidence, such as “unnatural blood color” that “social media users noticed” on the day of the attack on the hospital.

The publication “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in its material adds:

“New doubts about the plausibility of what is happening only intensified after it became clear that the man playing was not a surgeon at all, but a dentist. Of course, when teeth are torn, there is also blood, but after all, he pulled out the tusks of the elephant, even turning his back.”

The propaganda channel “Other Ukraine” compares the attack on the hospital with the events in Bucha:

“The same one-on-one scenario was in Bucha. Now the angry truthful public will be calmed with a new blow to another hospital or school so as not to relax. A vicious circle that cannot be broken.”

On that day, hundreds of ordinary people were clearing rubble at the site of the rocket attack, along with medics, rescuers and municipal workers. After that, a photo of a doctor in a bloodstained robe, who disassembled the rubble along with others, was circulated on the network.

Many documentarians gathered at the scene to record the consequences of the Russian missile attack on the children's hospital “Okhmatdyt”. Sergey Melnichenko, Pavel Florescu and Yulia Kochetova were among those who took pictures of the doctor in a bloodstained robe.

“Kyiv has had its heart ripped out today. Almost simultaneously, the Russians shelled several districts and purposefully hit the children's hospital “Okhmatdyt”.

Today, Kiev is united. Thousands of people are sorting through rubble — civilians and military, firefighters, veterans on prostheses, grandmothers, medical personnel. Dust, broken glass, drippers left in the corridors”, - a quote from Yulia's Instagram.

Scary footage from the capital. Photo by Serhiy Melnichenko for “Nikvest”

Massive missile attack 8.07.2024. Kiev. Ukraine. Photo by Pavlo Florescu

The person in the photo is Oleg Golubchenko. As noted on the website of the hospital “Okhmatdyt”, on the basis of the department of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery there is a maxillofacial surgical service of the Okhmatdyt National Hospital, one of whose doctors is Oleg Golubchenko.

On his page in Instagramyou can see the results of maxillofacial operations of small patients of “Okhmatdyt” and read the grateful reviews of parents.

The news agency “Assisted Press” was one of those Western media that promptly covered the missile strike on a children's hospital in Kyiv.

“Pediatric surgeon Oleg Golubchenko told the Associated Press that he was operating on a child with congenital facial defects, and that he and his team decided to continue the operation, despite the air alarm. “We couldn't stop halfway,” he said.

The shock wave from the missile strike bounced him across the operating room. The shrapnel left him lightly injured and damaged the infant's ventilator. The child with an open wound had to be transported to another hospital in Kiev, where the operation was completed.

Journalists of “Ukrainska Pravda” found out that Oleg Golubchenko received a contusion and injury during the missile attack. His medical gown was covered in blood with shrapnel lodged in his back.

The material was created with the support of The Fritt Ord Foundation.

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