“Far away and close at the same time": a photo exhibition about the war in Ukraine opened in Leiden
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On January 13, Leiden City Hall opened the photo exhibition “Far away and yet close by: the war in Ukraine”, which will run until March 5, 2025. This exhibition, created with the participation of twelve Ukrainian military photographers, offers viewers a unique perspective on the daily reality of war, which is striking in its cruelty, tragedy and humanity.

The exhibition features 80 works by members of UAPP (Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers), including: Olena Hrom, Alina Smutko, Olga Kovaleva, Pavlo Doroho, Andriy Dubchak, Yurko Dyachyshyn, Oleksiy Furman, Mstyslav Chernov, Serhiy Korovainyi, Konstantin and Vlada Liberov, Yevhen Maloletka, Serhiy Mykhalchuk, Mykhailo Palinchak, Danylo Pavlov and Viacheslav Ratynskyi.
At the opening of the exhibition, Mayor of Leiden Peter Heijkoop emphasized in his opening remarks that “with these photographs we want to reflect on the strength of the human spirit and the courage that Ukrainians show in the fight for freedom.”

Each photo invites viewers to stop and think about what people in Ukraine are going through every day. In this project, photographs act not only as art, but also as witnesses to history, showing the whole truth of war - from its brutal realities to touching moments of human resilience. Part of the exhibition is also dedicated to the works of the winners of World Press Photo 2023.

Previously, the exhibition has already visited the Czech Republic, Belgium and the United States.
The exhibition is open daily from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:30.
Venue: Leiden City Hall. Do not miss the opportunity to see the history of war through the eyes of those who document it.