Page Title: ukrainian news from the eyes of photographers.
The frontline is not a safari for photographers. A conversation with Ukrainian documentary artists
During the 20 months of full-scale war, photography has become one of the main languages in which Ukraine communicates with the world. It is this language that captures events, records emotions, testifies to crimes, and writes the visual book of history.
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How and what stories to pitch to international media. Tips from photographer Sasha Maslov
The photographer Sasha Maslov talks about finding topics for international media, working with heroes for photo stories, and why a good pitch should be a bit like a thriller, and a so-called cold pitch should be like a first date.
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Pokrovsk: military holding the line, civilians hoping for peace. Photo report by Anton Shtuka
In late 2024, the city of Pokrovsk became one of the hottest spots in eastern Ukraine. This strategically important city, located at the intersection of key transportation routes, has long been known for its coal industry. Today, it is a symbol of resilience, combining human courage and the latest military technology.
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“People feel a little better when they share their experiences.” Karina Pilyugina on her experience of documenting the war
Karina Piliugina is a Ukrainian documentary filmmaker, producer, photographer and a new member of the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers. She is known for her work in the Ukrainener project, the documentary series “Victory Units” and photos that tell about the struggle of Ukrainians during the war. We asked Karina about her work and projects, about what remains behind the scenes — her emotions, experiences and how she gives them advice through the lens of her camera.
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A photo with a story: Never before have so many of us gathered at one table
The photo by photographer Yurko Dyachyshyn shows a Christmas table in the middle of a festively decorated Lviv street. The uniforms on the empty chairs are a reminder of the soldiers in captivity and missing in action. A simple and very effective image.
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Breaking News
Наразі сайт працює в тестовому режимі, тож будемо дуже вдячні, якщо допоможете нам стати кращими! Якщо у вас виникнуть будь-які технічні проблеми чи зауваження, будь ласка, пишіть нам 📩 Ми будемо на зв'язку та оперативно виправимо всі помилки 🙂
Менторство — це джерело практичних знань, постійна підтримка та особистий підхід. Ми із власного досвіду знаємо, що молодим фотографам необхідно мати комплексний фідбек, отримувати рекомендації, підтримку та мотивацію від людини з експертизою. ‍
Мікрогрантова та менторська програма для підтримки українських фотографів від UAPP. Програма включатиме чотири менторські курси та підсумковий конкурс для учасників. Після чого ми надамо фінансову підтримку у розмірі 8000€ фотографам, які створюватимуть
Наразі сайт працює в тестовому режимі, тож будемо дуже вдячні, якщо допоможете нам стати кращими! Якщо у вас виникнуть будь-які технічні проблеми чи зауваження, будь ласка, пишіть нам 📩 Ми будемо на зв'язку та оперативно виправимо всі помилки 🙂
Наразі сайт працює в тестовому режимі, тож будемо дуже вдячні, якщо допоможете нам стати кращими! Якщо у вас виникнуть будь-які технічні проблеми чи зауваження, будь ласка, пишіть нам 📩 Ми будемо на зв'язку та оперативно виправимо всі помилки 🙂
Менторство — це джерело практичних знань, постійна підтримка та особистий підхід. Ми із власного досвіду знаємо, що молодим фотографам необхідно мати комплексний фідбек, отримувати рекомендації, підтримку та мотивацію від людини з експертизою. ‍
Мікрогрантова та менторська програма для підтримки українських фотографів від UAPP. Програма включатиме чотири менторські курси та підсумковий конкурс для учасників. Після чого ми надамо фінансову підтримку у розмірі 8000€ фотографам, які створюватимуть
Наразі сайт працює в тестовому режимі, тож будемо дуже вдячні, якщо допоможете нам стати кращими! Якщо у вас виникнуть будь-які технічні проблеми чи зауваження, будь ласка, пишіть нам 📩 Ми будемо на зв'язку та оперативно виправимо всі помилки 🙂
News Stories
February 24, 2024
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Until February 24, UAPP publishes key photographs by Ukrainian documentary filmmakers over two years of full-scale invasion
This year marks 10 years since the Russians are trying to kill Ukrainians, and February 24 is the second anniversary of how the northern neighbor wants to achieve its goal with particular brutality. The largest war in Europe since World War II is multifaceted, it has many faces, symbols, images, heroes that convey its essence.
News Stories
April 23, 2024
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Casualties and destruction in Odesa: the aftermath of the Russian drone attack as seen through the lens of photographer Timothy Melnikov
On the night of April 23, the Russians attacked the south of Ukraine with Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs. The residential sector of Odessa fell under the enemy's sights. As a result of the enemy attack on the city, damage was recorded to almost 60 apartments in 22 houses. Nine people were also injured, including four children. This is a boy and a girl of 5 and 9 months and two boys of 9 and 12 years.
News Stories
April 30, 2024
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Ballistics in Odesa and KABs in Kharkiv: the consequences of the Russian attack on civilians in the documentary footage
On the evening of Monday, April 29, the Russians struck civilian facilities in Odessa and Kharkov, resulting in dead and injured, fires and destruction, as well as frightened dogs from an animal shelter.
News Stories
May 2, 2024
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The destroyed warehouse of Nova Poshta in Odesa after a ballistic strike in the photos by Tymofiy Melnikov and Oleksandr Gimanov
On the evening of May 1, Russian troops once again attacked Odessa. The enemy struck the warehouses and the branch of Novaya Poshta. Information about the attack was confirmed on the official page of the NP. According to preliminary data, about 900 shipments were damaged and destroyed.
News Stories
May 4, 2024
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The SES fought the fire for 5 hours. Large-scale fires in Kharkiv after Russian attack in the lens of Yakiv Lyashenko
On the night of May 4, Russian forces attacked Ukraine from the Belgorod region with 13 “shaheeds” and 4 S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles. Air defense forces destroyed all 13 attack drones within Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
News Stories
May 5, 2024
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Easter Terror in Kharkiv. The consequences of Russian attacks in the photographs of local documentary filmmakers
Russian troops on Easter launched air strikes in the center of Kharkov. There were explosions in the city for about 15 hours. The Air Force warned about the danger of strikes from aircraft.
News Stories
Easter Terror in Kharkiv. The consequences of Russian attacks in the photographs of local documentary filmmakers
Russian troops on Easter launched air strikes in the center of Kharkov. There were explosions in the city for about 15 hours. The Air Force warned about the danger of strikes from aircraft.
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Exhibition "Spalah. Ukrainian photography today"
On September 29, at the Ukrainian House in Kyiv, the opening of the photo exhibition "Spalah. Ukrainian Photography Today" took place. The project was implemented by the National Center "Ukrainian House" and the NGO "Platform for Cultural Initiatives" in cooperation with the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers and with the support of the Press, Education, and Culture Department of the US Embassy in Ukraine.
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The exhibition "The Siege of Mariupol - The last journalists in the occupied city"
As part of this year's Czech Photo Festival, on October 12, an exhibition titled "The Siege of Mariupol - The Last Journalists in the Occupied City" was opened at the Czech Photo Center Gallery in Prague. The exhibition features world-renowned works by Mstislav Chernov and Yevhen Maloletka. The project was realized by the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP) in cooperation with Czech Photo and the Association of Professional Photographers of the Czech Republic (APF).
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«Bojují i za nás»
A large-scale exhibition of the members of the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers entitled "They are fighting for us too" was organized in the Czech Republic, Belgium and the United States. The exhibition features more than 200 photographs documenting the vivid evidence of Russia's aggression and genocide, the lives of ordinary people in the war, and the brave struggle of our people not only for their own freedom but also for the freedom of the entire world.
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Photo book "Brave to bring the light"
The photo book Brave to Bring the Light, about the most difficult winter in the history of independent Ukraine so far, includes photographs by more than 30 Ukrainian authors who documented the energy crisis caused by the Russian military's attack on Ukrainian infrastructure facilities during the fall of 2022, winter and spring of 2023.
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"Ukrainian Guernica"
The Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPF) in cooperation with the Bereznitsky Art Foundation organized a charity exhibition "Ukrainian Guernica", which was opened at the Factory Gallery, Tbilisi. The project was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and under the patronage of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska.
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"Ukraine on my mind"
The Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers in cooperation with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Andrew in Atlanta organized a series of exhibitions "Ukraine on my mind" that took place in Atlanta in August and November 2022.
Photo Stories
Jan 15, 2025
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How and what stories to pitch to international media. Tips from photographer Sasha Maslov
The photographer Sasha Maslov talks about finding topics for international media, working with heroes for photo stories, and why a good pitch should be a bit like a thriller, and a so-called cold pitch should be like a first date.
Photo Stories
Jan 12, 2025
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Pokrovsk: military holding the line, civilians hoping for peace. Photo report by Anton Shtuka
In late 2024, the city of Pokrovsk became one of the hottest spots in eastern Ukraine. This strategically important city, located at the intersection of key transportation routes, has long been known for its coal industry. Today, it is a symbol of resilience, combining human courage and the latest military technology.
Photo Stories
Dec 30, 2024
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“People feel a little better when they share their experiences.” Karina Pilyugina on her experience of documenting the war
Karina Piliugina is a Ukrainian documentary filmmaker, producer, photographer and a new member of the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers. She is known for her work in the Ukrainener project, the documentary series “Victory Units” and photos that tell about the struggle of Ukrainians during the war. We asked Karina about her work and projects, about what remains behind the scenes — her emotions, experiences and how she gives them advice through the lens of her camera.
Photo Stories
Dec 29, 2024
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A photo with a story: Never before have so many of us gathered at one table
The photo by photographer Yurko Dyachyshyn shows a Christmas table in the middle of a festively decorated Lviv street. The uniforms on the empty chairs are a reminder of the soldiers in captivity and missing in action. A simple and very effective image.
Photo Stories
Dec 24, 2024
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“No photo is worth a life": war through the lens of Oleh Petrasyuk
Oleg Petrasyuk is a photographer, serviceman of the 24th Brigade named after King Danylo and a new member of the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAFF). In this interview, he shares his experiences documenting war, talks about the difficult moral challenges of filming, and explains why photography for him is primarily a craft, not an art.
Photo Stories
Dec 23, 2024
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What photos by Ukrainian photographers were included in the photo collections of the year by CNN, Reuters, TIME, The New York Times
Photography has become one of the key ways to capture the pain, resilience and struggle of Ukrainians in 2024. This year, global media giants CNN, Reuters and TIME have included the work of Ukrainian documentarians in their annual best-picture selections. This is a recognition not only of the talent of the authors, but also of the power of visual art, which tells the history of war, life and hope of Ukraine.
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Nikon Small World Prize
Конкурс фотомікрографії Nikon "Маленький світ" відкритий для всіх, хто цікавиться мікроскопією та фотографією через мікроскоп. На конкурс відеоробіт під назвою "Маленький світ у русі" приймаються будь-які відео- або цифрові фотографії, зняті через мікроскоп у режимі сповільненої зйомки.
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Canon Video Grant — Short Film Documentary
Canon разом із Міжнародним фестивалем фотожурналістики Visa pour l’Image-Perpignan надають грант у розмірі 8 000 євро плюс використання новаторського професійного відеообладнання Canon (в оренду) для створення 8-хвилинного документального фільму на соціальну, політичну чи культурну тематику.
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Beyond the Silence project
Міжнародна фотоагенція Magnum Photos та освітня платформа Odesa Photo Days оголосили open call «Beyond the Silence». Мета проєкту створити діалог між фотографами з різних країн, висвітлюючи спільний досвід і спільні виклики.
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Грантова програма Talents for Ukraine
Програма відкрита для мрійників і новаторів, які своїми ідеями змінюють життя інших. Бюджет — $ 1 000 000.
Грантова програма Talents for Ukraine
Програма відкрита для мрійників і новаторів, які своїми ідеями змінюють життя інших. Бюджет — $ 1 000 000.
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Global Peace Photo Award
Фотоконкурс, присвячений пам’яті австрійського журналіста і пацифіста, лауреата Нобелівської премії миру Альфреда Фріда. До участі приймаються роботи професійних фотографів, присвячені рухам за мир та ідеї безконфліктного майбутнього.
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Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award
Нагорода "Байо Кальвадос-Нормандія" для військових кореспондентів присуджується за репортажі про конфліктну ситуацію або її вплив на цивільне населення, а також за новини, пов'язані із захистом свободи і демократії.

Photo Stories

Photo Story
Jan 15, 2025
How and what stories to pitch to international media. Tips from photographer Sasha Maslov
Photo Story
Jan 12, 2025
Pokrovsk: military holding the line, civilians hoping for peace. Photo report by Anton Shtuka
Photo Story
Dec 30, 2024
“People feel a little better when they share their experiences.” Karina Pilyugina on her experience of documenting the war
Photo Story
Dec 29, 2024
A photo with a story: Never before have so many of us gathered at one table
Photo Story
Dec 24, 2024
“No photo is worth a life": war through the lens of Oleh Petrasyuk
Photo Story
Dec 23, 2024
What photos by Ukrainian photographers were included in the photo collections of the year by CNN, Reuters, TIME, The New York Times

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We tell the world about Ukraine through the prism of photography.

Join and support the community of Ukrainian photographers.

UAPP is an independent association of professional Ukrainian photographers, designed to protect their interests, support, develop and promote Ukrainian photography as an important element of national culture.

UAPP's activities span educational, social, research and cultural initiatives, as well as book publishing.

UAPP represents Ukrainian professional photography in the international photographic community and is an official member of the Federation of European Photographers (FEP) — an international organization representing more than 50,000 professional photographers in Europe and other countries around the world.

Support and join us